May 30, 2007

Black Hole Fun

Just read this article about black holes spinning at speeds 98.7% of the maximum speed allowed by Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Basically, these black holes such matter in slowly and spin faster and faster and faster until they collapse on themselves and form a star that eventually dies, supernovas then becomes and black hole that spins faster... you get the point.

In light of this, I wanted to bring up the news that some scientists this summer are going to collide particles (done before, but not at this size) under a magnet to see how much energy blows off and if they can calculate dark matter. The scientist in charge said that little black holes in the space time will be created. But "Dont worry" he said, "we don't think these black holes are big enough to engulf our universe." Jeez. I feel so relieved.

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